Allowing it all to be as it is, is my essential aspiration, prayer and practice--has been for many years. My children are master teachers for me in this neighborhood.
People for whom creation is central, come to know these cycles of great fecundity and fallowness. I don't fret as i know that the Muse is gathering her energies and ideas when she is not so visible on the surface. About two weeks ago, the Muse re-appeared and i was very happy to greet her and eager to see what she would offer.
So far, a new store for digital download meditations has appeared on the Temple site, writing is happening again, i am learning new recording software so that i can offer some newly-inspired meditations, i am playing with photography again and painting is opening up--all wonderful callings in the midst of a very cold Colorado winter. My interest in quantum physics and engaging the Mystery in ongoing conversations led me to Matrix Energetics, which i have also been studying and practicing.
The Mystery works in strange and mysterious ways! One of my favorite prayers to the Mystery is: "I am willing, you arrange it."
Feel free to investigate your own creative process. Do you listen and take action when a creative urge arises? I find the more i respond to the Muse, even in tiny gestures, the more she offers...
Life on the planet these days is so uncertain. It always has been but the veil of illusion that we know anything from one moment to the next is gone. We have NOW, and cannot count on tomorrow. What is your creative longing, what are you called to now? Are you willing to listen and respond to even the tiniest creative impulses, longings, inspirations?
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