There was so much talk about 2012 and shifting consciousness, and in the midst of the most astounding de-construction of life as we have known it. Some thought 2December 21, 2012 was going to be another anti-climactic re-run of the milennium. Some though it was to be the end of the world, yet we are still here in 2013. The ground of our lives and the planet is shaking and shifting. We can see and are being affected by what is going on in the collective field, not to mention what may be de-constructing in our own lives, inner and outer. We are the collective field, we are participants as well as sacred witnesses. We are part of the holographic universe—what’s happening ‘out there’ is also happening within each of us, and what occurs within our own hearts affects what goes on ‘out there.’ I am mindful now that every day is the end of our world as we knew it.
There is no 'out there' and there is no 'then'--it's all here now. There is no us and no them, either. We are literally in a cosmic shift—an astronomical shift of the planet on its axis, as well as a shift of consciousness like no others witnessed by anyone alive on the planet now. Some say it began in 1987 with the Harmonic Convergence. I am just beginning to read up on what people are saying about 2012, and find i am most interested in the facts, the astronomical facts, the information about world ages that can be verified geologically, and also the ancient prophecies made and left to us by people who lived through the last shift of a world age. They left information for us and it's up to us to look at it and make choices about how we are going to go through this transition from one world age to another. Astrology tells us we are moving from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age. What does that mean? What is 2012? We are the ones at the cutting edge now, we are in the front row of what is unfolding. We are the ones to choose how we go through this death/birth on a personal and a collective level.
We are passing through the end of a world age, called a yuga in the Hindu tradition, and we are witnessing the de-construction and dissolution of old forms and structures in the outer world, as well as within ourselves and our own lives. In august 1936, Edgar Cayce, from one of his trance states said, “…there is a shifting of the pole. Or a new cycle begins.” The Maya and other Meso-American people have predicted this, with the Mayan calendar being a very clear physical ‘map’ of this event.
There is much chaos and fear in the collective planetary field, in the U.S., and perhaps in our own lives and hearts, as the ground we have known shakes with the tremors of big change and dissolution of the known. We are being affected by the economic crises, climate changes, natural disasters, the crisis in food production and famine, wars around the world, political and racial divisiveness in our own country and the world, the extinction of precious animals and sea life, diseases for which there are no cures, stress on our immune systems by so many toxins, the health care crisis, greed, deceit by government officials, inhumane acts, violence in our schools, churches and towns. The list seems endless, solutions can seem overwhelming or impossible, and yet, something else is happening, too, something really amazing, powerful, and quantumly unimaginable.
Our own lives may be turning upside down and inside out in ways we never imagined. These difficult times are forcing the realization that we are all inter-connected, we are each in the holographic food chain, affected by and affecting everything else. The Hindus call this cycle of darkness the Kali Yuga, and in their calculations it is actually short-lived compared to previous cycles. Some have called it a time of great purification, which is one way of looking at this stunning display of shadow and evil run amok.
Before shadow can be transmuted, it has to be revealed, seen and met, whether it’s collective or personal. What’s ‘out there’ is in here, too. How do we meet all of this in our own lives? How do we deal with our personal stuff and our participation, our contribution, to the hologram? To meet it with fear adds to the chaos. We can meet it from the Heart with compassion, gratitude, love, and tenderness, for ourselves as well as for others. Wise and holy people of all traditions are consistently saying that the way to meet what is happening, the way to find real solutions that serve all of humanity and the planet, is to open our Hearts, to learn to meet it with Heart. Love is the Medicine. Big Love.
The challenge and the opportunity for us is to access this Big Love. To do so requires that we be present to each moment, to each arising within our Heart, whatever it is, the holy or the horrible. We are called to meet our own shadow, the unwelcomed, unwanted, unloved parts of ourselves, the ‘me’ that we have hidden or denied, as well as the fears, anxieties, terrors, grief, and the breakdown of life as we have known it, from the Heart.
Heart is the magical vessel, the temple within, where the power of transmutation of shadow lies. It is also the portal to peace and non-dual awareness, wisdom, compassionate action, spaciousness, Silence. This can be directly experienced no matter what is happening in our lives or in the world. Peace and presence are a phenomenal contribution to the planetary hologram.
This is not fairy dust, as the Heart is truly an alchemical vessel, as many of us have experienced directly with Samyama over the last 16 years. It is also an unusual organ in our body with its own ‘brain’, its own neuronal circuitry and capacity to make decisions separate from what the brain thinks. The heart communicates with the brain neurologically, biochemically, biophysically, and energetically. You can read about this in The Heart Math Solution by Doc Childre and Howard Martin. Their studies show that when many people create a collective field of coherence we join with the field of the earth to create a great change that sustains life in our bodies and on the earth. Emotions like gratitude, appreciation, love, and compassion create coherence and alleviate the stress waves moving through the earth.
Those of us practicing Samyama have also experienced how the peace and spaciousness that we experience through Samyama visibly affects our families, friends, and even our work situations. Many have reported distinct changes in the energy and feeling of a stress-filled meeting or have seen a personal situation shift from intense upset to peace and reconciliation when they have gone into their Hearts with Samyama right there in the moment. Gregg Braden, in The Divine Matrix, talks about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation, who found that large groups of people meditating could activate a shift of consciousness in large populations. He wrote:
“In 1972, 24 cities in the U.S. with populations over 10,000 experienced meaningful changes in their communities when as few as one percent (100 people) participated in the studies. Those involved used specific meditation techniques to create the inner experiences of peace that were mirrored in the world around them. This is called the ‘Maharishi Effect’ in honor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who stated that when one percent of a population practiced the methods of meditation that he offered, there would be a reduction in violence and crime for that population.” Braden goes on to state that ‘the minimum number of people required to ‘jump start’ a change in consciousness is the square root of 1% of a population”.
Think about that. The more people involved, the more change is possible. I personally have witnessed extraordinary shifts of field consciousness in groups I have facilitated ever since Samyama came on board as my central practice. Truth and clear-seeing become more accessible when we are not in our heads, and can 'listen' and take action from our Hearts. The impossible becomes possible in ways we cannot imagine. When we bring Heart Presence to any situation, miracles can happen. Anything is possible.
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