Friday, April 5, 2013

What's Different??

      A few weeks ago, I heard a voice three days in a row say to me, "Do something different." For months already I had taken on the practice of looking for what is different on and off all day, or after a particular conversation or event, or for no reason at all. I would notice how I felt, what was happening in my heart, my body, my energy, as well as what was appearing in the field around me, in my life. I am still doing this now, although it is more of a 'happening' than a 'doing'.
     This is a wonderful way to increase brain plasticity and break the primitive neurological habit of constantly looking for the same thing, while not seeing the new things that may be arising right in front of us or within us.
     I notice as I rapidly approach the age of 65, (totally in shock by the number!) there is a tendency to do what is easy, simple, stay in my comfort zone, at least in terms of the outer world. My inner world is much more expansive than my outer world and I am responding to the Call to shift that. I am increasingly aware that life is short and every day counts and any day could be the last.
      It's like the story of the Natives on the shore not seeing the ships coming in because they had no reference for them. They didn't see the ships, but we can begin to expand our horizons and references for what is new and different by choosing to look for that, thereby becoming aware of new possibilities beyond our limited imaginings.
       How many times have we prayed and asked for things to change or shift and feel like nothing much is happening because we already have an idea or image about how it is suppposed to look, or how it will arrive. What have we missed doing this, instead of looking for what's different?
       What if we gave up all ideas and images about how things are, how they should be, how something we've asked for should look or be? What if we put forth our requests and prayers and simply know nothing? We really don't know anything - it is only the egoic mind that thinks it knows or pretends to know.
       What if we are already "standing, now, quietly, in the new life" but don't recognize it because we are hooked on seeing things in old ways?
        So, looking for what's different and taking on the practice of doing 'something different', no matter how small, ordinary, or seemingly insignificant, will take us into new 'neighborhoods' both in the outer worlds of our experience, as well as within our own minds, hearts, and consciousness.
      We are inter-dimensional beings... why not travel the many parallel realities available to us, using the vehicle of simple questions and behaviors that take us out of the old, conditioned attitudes, beliefs, and ways of being and doing? We can ask simple, open-ended questions like, "What could be different here?" or "How can I be different here?" "What am I not seeing in this situation?" "What is possible beyond my imagining here?"
       Looking for what's different, doing things differently, opening to the field of all possibilites is life changing. Now is the time to step up and step into our fullness of being, without any idea of what that is, what it looks like, or what is even possible.

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